New Music: Kemenya (Black Volta) Ft. Sarkodie ''Illuminati'' (Ewe Version)

Kemenya (Black Volta) Ft. Sarkodie ''Illuminati'' (Ewe Version)
I heard a lot about Sarkodie's rap university but today, I realised the kind of things going on in that University... Black Volta a.k.a. Kemenya translated Sarkodie's illuminiti Lyrics, word to word and still maintained the style and speed. Guess what? This rapper made perfect sense in the translation and trust me he replaced the words in direct translations...

Me being able to speak and write Ewe, i salute Kemenya for his one! I know the Voltarians are taking over soon because its been a long time coming... Download this one and give it up for the Rap University students!!!