[CYPHER]: LoudSoundGH Cypher (MAY EDITION)

LoudSoundGH Cypher (MAY EDITION)
People!! Its the LoudSoundGh Cypher for the month of May!! Before we present the artists featuring this Month's cypher, we will like to acknowledge a couple of websites who support the cypher to the fullest!!

Big shouts to www.ghanandwom.com and www.mxcliq.com for being supporting partners to all our Cyphers!!

Its here again and this Month's Edition goes a bit international by Involving an artist from Nigeria. I guess we will have more Nigerian artists passing through to make this more beautiful. Ghana and Nigeria always got that connection so we thought its just gonna be a step to take involving our Naija pals!!

The MAY Edition features...

  • Yung Boss - @Yungboss_Plaerz (Plaerz Inc, Lagos Nigeria)
  • Shacc - @I_Shacc (Blaq Famille, Kumasi Ghana)
  • Aeon - @Aeon_Rock (Tunez Records, Kumasi Bantama Ghana)
  • Obey - @Obey_Tunez (Tunez Records, Kumasi Bantama Ghana)
  • Jo Wanye  - @Wanyestrumental (Accra Ghana)
  • Ratty - @RattyGhana (Ghana Rap Gang, Kumasi Atonsu Ghana)
Produced by Dze Boss Tunez (@Dze_Boss_tunez)